Toothache: How to Relief from Tooth Pain

Toothache, very often caused by cavities, can have many origins: infections of the gum, jaw, but also sinuses or even ears. Consulting with your local Dentist on queen Chinguacousy will help find the cause of the pain and treat it.

Let’s read the article to know how to get rid of toothache.

In This Article

  • What is toothache
  • What are the Causes of Toothache
  • Evolution and possible complications
  • Toothache cure
  • Clove
  • A piece of fresh garlic 
  • Ginger
  • Vinegar
  • Essential oils 
  • Aloe vera 

What is toothache?

Toothache refers to pain felt in and around the mouth, caused by elements of the oral cavity itself or by more distant factors (such as the sinuses or the ears).

The toothache can be transient and mild or turn into a real toothache in which the pain is almost unbearable.

If the pain is too intense, lasts (more than two days), or is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, pain in the ears, or when opening the mouth, then he is strongly advised to consult a dentist.

What are the Causes of Toothache

Dental decay is the main cause of toothache. It is an infectious disease that can affect enamel, dentine, and dental pulp. According to the Canada Dental Association, almost 100% of adults have cavities!

A tooth first becomes sensitive to hot and cold before the pain sets in. The cause is poor oral hygiene, but there are also hereditary factors.

  • Bacterial infection;
  • The presence of an abscess;
  • Oral trauma, for example, a fall resulting in a crack or a fracture of the tooth or a blow to the jaw;
  • Gum disease, such as gingivitis (which means inflammation of the gums);
  • Bruxism, which is the grinding of teeth (or clenching of teeth) that often occurs during the night;
  • Wisdom, teeth growth or tooth eruption in babies and children;
  • Sinusitis may cause pain in the molars;
  • An affection of the ears, neck;
  • A heart attack (which causes pain in the teeth and jaws).

Note that too deep decay or trauma to the tooth can cause damage to the nerve of the tooth. In these cases, the Dentist on Chinguacousy Rd may have recourse to a pulpectomy, that is to say, a devitalization of the tooth. The goal is to make the tooth insensitive.

Evolution and possible complications

If not taken care of in time, the toothache can greatly increase. The danger is therefore to suffer more and for longer!

Associated with this increasing pain, the conditions which are at the origin of it can also worsen: an untreated decay can be complicated in an abscess; a damaged gum can lead to loosening or even loss of teeth, etc.

Toothache cure

An oral exam, done by a dentist in Brampton, is the best thing to do to know the origin of the disease. The professional will be able to make a diagnosis and offer appropriate treatment. 

For example, he will seek to know when the pain appeared, its location, its level, or even the symptoms that may be associated with it.

Note that the use of analgesics can help relieve pain before the medical appointment.

Here are some of the homemade solutions for toothache that can give you relief.

Recommended to read: 7 Dental Hygiene Tips


Which contains a large amount of eugenol, a substance with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and pain-relieving powers, anesthetizes the disease? 

Also, available in essential oil. “While waiting to go to the dentist, the patient can for example crush a clove and place it in the painful cavity hole”, advises our interlocutor.

A piece of fresh garlic 

Anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, and anesthetic to place against the painful tooth.

Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, healing, clay has many virtues, even in the event of dental pain. In the case of toothache, you can prepare a clay poultice.


Help reduce dental pain simply by mixing its powder with water (it is an active analgesic).


This has a repellent action on the mucous membranes of the mouth. It activates circulation which reduces pain. To be used as a mouthwash.

Essential oils 

Peppermint, officinal lavender, etc. are also popular. In case of painful tooth decay “and the tooth has a hole, it is better to go to the essential oil of clove, known for its anti-bacterial and pain-relieving properties. Just take a cotton disc than the one impregnates with one to two drops of essential oil of clove, then that one deposits delicately inside the “hole” of the tooth: the relief is almost immediate “advises

Aloe Vera 

If inflammation, bleeding from the gums when brushing or gum disease, we can use the Aloe Vera, known for centuries for its anti-inflammatory Preference enjoy. Benefits of this plant in the form of a gel, which will be applied 4 to 5 times a day for 5 days, to be able to easily brush and impregnate his gums

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